Empowering Catholic Leaders Today
Transformative workshops and fruits focused consulting services to cultivate influential catholic leaders.
these workshops are clear on who we are and why
Elevate Catholic Influence for Fruits
Exceptional Catholic Leaders
Success Stories
Improve Change Transform
We form intrepid catholic leaders with transformative workshops and consulting services for outstanding success.
Stephen Covey
To achieve things you've never achieved before, we should do things we've never done before.
John Kotter, Harvard University
True urgency refers to focusing on the most significant things, now.
We cannot create a culture of dialogue if we don't have identity...
Pope Francis
Dr. Padro's casual yet incredibly motivational, inspiring, and informative style really moved me and others, as I could tell. I'm already a better leader in thiking and actions.
Enrique Perez, Indiannapolis
When Dr. Padro did a presentation for our youth group in our parish, I felt the desire to learn about philosophy, our culture, and our faith. I loved the way he mixed them. He is a great speaker.
Adriana Sandoval, HIgh School Senior, Miami
Empowering Leaders
Helping individuals flousish personally to produce fruit as influential Christians in any type of organization is and has been an amazing inspiring and fulfiling journey. Dr. Padro holds a BA in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America, a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadeship from Jesuit Gonzaga University, and a Juris Doctor (law degree) from The Intermaerican University. He lives happily (as an empty nester since about a year ago) with his amazing sife, Ana, in HOmestead, Florida, in the USA.