About Dr. Padro

For 30 years, Dr. Padro has been passionately informing and forming leaders working with Catholic organizations and secular ones including businessess as well. He has been a staunch believer in people's amazing potential to grow, thrive, and contribute with their talents and charisms to the improvement of their own selves, their places of work, their dioceses, their parishes, their families, and their surroundings.

Empowering Leaders

Helping individuals flousish personally to produce fruit as influential Christians in any type of organization is and has been an amazing inspiring and fulfiling journey. Dr. Padro holds a BA in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America, a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadeship from Jesuit Gonzaga University, and a Juris Doctor (law degree) from The Intermaerican University. He lives happily (as an empty nester since about a year ago) with his amazing sife, Ana, in HOmestead, Florida, in the USA.